Despite the current situation with Covid, we plan for a seminar on menstrual poverty on the 28th of May 2021. Partly at the University of Borås, and partly as a webinar. More information to follow!
Författare: Spacerpad
Spacerpad acknowledged by The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
IVA promote the engineering and economic sciences and the development of industry for the benefit of society.
Visit in Kenya
In February we met with our partners I Choose Life and Rivatex East Africa Ltd. Several activities in the Vinnova funded project will be implemented in Kenya where established partners are located. In February, Karin Högberg, Lena Berglin and Nils Lindh visited the country to plan activities in the project together with these partners. Among…
Spacerpad funded by Vinnova
Challenge-Driven Innovation aims to solve social challenges that require broad cooperation to overcome. The solutions developed under the programme must make a clear contribution to one or more of the 17 Sustainable development goals laid out in the UN’s 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. On December 19, we got the news that Spacerpad received SEK…